Sponsored by St. David’s Foundation and Hospice Austin, a four-part series exploring our end of life practices before crisis hits.
In part one, Nurse and Rabbi Lev Baesh will discuss the following as we consider the administrative elements of taking care of ourselves and our family members during this time of a global health crisis:
How to fill out an out of hospital DNR
Living will/directive to physicians
Medical power of attorney
Topic: Anxiety Antidote: A Workshop on End of Life Planning
Time: Apr 2, 2020 07:30 PM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/415865854
Meeting ID: 415 865 854
My greatest joy is creating and celebrating meaningful life-cycle events for Jews and for interfaith couples and families. My life is devoted to inclusion and welcoming into religious and secular worlds, and this passion is a thread that runs through my choice of studies and work throughout my life.