Join Waking Giants co-founder Sera Bonds as she discusses how we can be allies for the Asian Community in this time of crisis.
Topic: Anti-Racism Workshop: How to be Allies for the Asian Community
Time: Apr 20, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 455 632 367
Password: 710443
Sera is a social justice activist committed to working towards balancing the scales of access, equity, and availability in sexual reproductive healthcare. She has training in midwifery, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Women’s Studies, and a Masters Degree in Public Health. Her community organizing background ranges from reproductive rights to violence against women to welfare and poverty issues to pro-immigration campaigns. She has worked on sexual reproductive health actions in over twenty countries spanning North America, Africa, Asia, Central America, the Middle East, and the Caribbean, having raised over 20 million dollars for political actions and public health programs impacting over three million women globally. She is the founder of a leading feminist global aid organization, Circle of Health International.