Casey Chapman Ross
Casey is our Featured Giant for February 2020! Casey is a political photojournalist and the creator of the I Am A Gun Safety Activist coloring book in our Gun Culture & Control Kit. Read about her journey into progressive activism below!
Jenny Kearney: How did you find yourself in the role of activist?
Casey’s first political cartoon
Casey Chapman Ross: Well, I was raised by two very involved, progressive parents, so it has been ingrained in me from a young age! I have cartoons I drew when I was around 10 of a Bush Sr. rally (see image!). My parents both worked on many campaigns in the Dallas area, but my dad was also a union ironworker and very involved with the AFL-CIO and my mom worked for Governor Richards as her right hand for 20+ years from her time in office until her death.
JK: What have you been working on recently?
CCR: Right now I am head down and determined to make a children's coloring book for all the top issues facing our nation! I feel so strongly that these are an amazing way to connect with young people on topics that carry a lot of weight and are the tool to help talk about them that needs to exist. I Am An Activist! Coloring Book was the first in the series and it focuses on empowerment, support, getting out the vote and speaking up. The subsequent books will focus on specific issues beginning with Gun Safety, Women's Rights, Climate Change, Immigration and more.
JK: What is something you wish everyone knew about the work you do?
CCR: I love working with kids, and I can't stress enough the importance of not only sharing your passions with them but talking to them about what's going on in the world and in their community. By the time they can vote, will they know who their state or federal representative is? Will they know what the issues are? These aren't things that happen overnight. In order to raise an informed voter, you have to start early so that engaging in their community just comes naturally.
JK: What can people start doing today to live a more engaged life?
CCR: Register to vote! Vote! Listen to people about why they feel one way or another about an issue. We have to start listening to folks that we don't agree with to understand the best next steps on solutions. Inclusion is the key to progress. Get off social media and go participate in a rally or protest or volunteer to get out the vote. It always feels good to get out with others and social media politics just doesn't.