Want to pick up gardening while at home or refine your skills? Join this session and learn from an expert - Reese from Seedlings Gardening!
Topic: Gardening with Reese Baloutine
Time: Apr 15, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/265847857?pwd=dXdzS0Fmc2JBSWlWZk1qVXkrb3cxdz09
Meeting ID: 265 847 857
Password: 166968
I’m a native Austinite and true to form I’ve passionately traveled quite a few paths to get to Seedlings. After earning a Masters in Architecture from Texas Tech University, I went to Guatemala to be an illustrator on an archaeological project in an ancient Mayan City. When I came back to the US I began working in restaurants starting in Chicago and eventually making my way back to Austin!
One day it hit – gardening was it for me. I began working for The Austin Groundskeeper as the Maintenance Manager and Designer. Simultaneously, I designed and tended a veggie garden at Olivia Restaurant. Then came Seedlings Gardening! We’ve grown as a company that now employs a small but powerful crew!
Instagram: @seedlingsgardening