Worn out by the kitchen? Constant kid snacking? Dish fatigue? Join chef/co-founder Martha P to trouble shoot your kitchen worries!
Topic: Kitchen Therapy w/ Martha Pincoffs
Time: Apr 14, 2020 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/480608254?pwd=bGszMzNxREM2Mm1PQ3VCM0lhQTczZz09
Meeting ID: 480 608 254
Password: 172786
Martha Pincoffs is a well-respected leader in the central Texas local food and farming community. In 2011, Martha leveraged her training as a professional chef to start Hot Dang Burgers, bringing healthy food to market. From its beginnings at a local farmer’s market to its current availability in grocery stores nationwide, Hot Dang has always used recognizable ingredients. Working in the food industry taught Martha how our food system need fixing, how improvements can take root on a local scale, and how to harness momentum to grow results. She served as a partner and President of Barrel Creek Provisions, formerly Hat Creek Provisions. Martha helped grow Barrel Creek from a concept into a successful brand with a commitment to locally sourced delicious vegetables.